What are the benefits of consuming hot water?

 1. If you are troubled by obesity and want to reduce it, then a glass of hot waterhot water every morning will prove to be helpful for you.  Yes, when you drink a glass of hot water, it removes the fat stored in the body.  As a result, you lose weight.

 2. Digestive power is improved by drinking warm waterwarm water every morning.  The food will be helpful in digesting or diges ting it properly and will keep the whole health right.

 3. Hot water corrects blood circulation.  Not only this, drinking hot water removes the toxins spread throughout the body.

 4. To remain healthy in the changing weather, drink lemon juice in a glass of warm water on an empty stomach every morning, this increases the immunity of the body.

 5. Even if you have constipation, hot water will help you.  In such a situation, drinking hot water in the morning can prove to be very beneficial.

 6. If chest tightness or cold complaint is frequent, then hot water will work as a medicine.  Drinking warm water will keep your throat fine and your chest relaxed

 7. It is said that if you have a headache during the period, it is beneficial to consume hot water (Garam Pani Ke 10 Fayde).  Not only this, hot water also cures stomach muscle spasms immediately.

 8. Drinking hot water relieves acidity.  Actually, acidity is caused by stomach upset.  If you drink 1 glass of hot water every morning, then it will keep your stomach fine and you will not have to face problems like acidity.

 9. These days, the weather is changing, in such a situation, many people are experiencing a sore throat.  If you are also troubled by this problem, then start drinking hot water from today.  Warm water ends the dryness of the throat.

 10. You may be troubled by pain during periods occurring every month.  In such a situation, we tell you such a remedy which will remove this problem from you.  Warm water will give relief in it.  During this time, the warm water will help to ease the stomach and you will get relief.

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